Chinchilla Guru

Signs Your Chinchilla Likes You (Easy To Recognize)

As an experienced chinchilla owner, I can tell you that chinchillas are absolutely adorable and fascinating pets. These furry little creatures have unique personalities and can form deep bonds with their owners. 

In this blog post, I will share my personal experiences with my two female chinchillas named Pixie and Trixie and discuss the signs your chinchilla likes you. 

I will also cover how chinchillas show affection and address any concerns you may have about signs that your chinchilla doesn’t like you. 

So, let’s dig in and discover the secret language of chinchilla affection.

Does My Chinchilla Like Me?

As a chinchilla owner, you may be curious about whether your chinchilla likes you or not. Chinchillas are unique creatures and may show their affection in various ways. 

Although each chinchilla is an individual with distinct behaviors, certain signs can indicate that they like you.

It is essential to observe their behavior and learn to recognize these signs in order to strengthen your bond with them.

Signs Your Chinchilla Likes You

There are several things that chinchillas may do that can show how much they like and care for you. Even though every chinchilla is different, the following signs are common and can be seen as a good sign that they are bonding with you.

#1. They want your attention

The chinchilla is a smart and sensitive animal. Through their actions, they can learn habits and show what they want and need.

Two of my lovely chinchillas, Pixie and Trixie, know that I clean their box, feed them, and give them treats at certain times. 

But if I’m a little late for these activities, they stand on their back legs near the side of the cage where I am to get my attention.

#2. Their faces show happiness and excitement

When chinchillas are happy, they often act in ways that show they are relaxed and excited. Some of these behaviors are moving the tail, wall surfing, smiling, and winking.

When I talk to Pixie and Trixie, they often smile and wink to let me know they’re happy with our conversation. 

To show how happy and excited they are, they also wall surf, run around, and jump up and down. When male chinchillas are near a female chinchilla or smell one, they wag their tails.

#3. They groom you

One way chinchillas show love is by grooming you. Chinchillas groom each other by giving each other light touches. They do this to show they love you.

I often get groomed by Pixie and Trixie when I spend time with them to show how much they care. It’s a slow and gentle process that shows they trust me and are close to me.

#4. They like having you around while they play

Chinchillas love to play, and they like being with you when they’re doing these things if they trust and like you. They might jump and climb all over you, which means they feel safe and at ease around you.

How Chinchillas show love to their owners

When they play, Pixie and Trixie love to go on adventures and have fun. They jump around, climb on me, and run after toys for fun. You can tell they love me by how excited and active they are when we play.

#5. They believe in you and feel safe with you

It is very important for chinchillas to feel safe with their masters and in their own space. When they like and trust you, they act in ways that show they are at ease and not scared.

Pixie and Trixie want to be with me and come close to me when they feel safe. They believe that I will keep them safe and enjoy interacting with me without showing any signs of fear or discomfort.

#6. They eat the treats you give them

One more way chinchillas show they care is by happily taking treats from your hand. They are more likely to take food straight from you if they trust and like you.

The moment I offer treats to Pixie and Trixie, they come right up to me and take them. They trust and love me because they are eager to accept treats straight from me.

#7. They cuddle up to You

Chinchillas like being touched and are social animals. They might scratch you, just like they would their cage mates, if they like you.

Pixie and Trixie often curl up next to me to be close, whether they are playing or just relaxing. It warms my heart to know that they care about me and are connected to me.

#8. They sleep close to you

Chinchillas feel safe when they can sleep or rest close to their owners. There’s a good chance they like you if they choose to sleep next to you.

When I’m near their cage at night, Pixie and Trixie often find cosy places to sleep next to me. This shows that they believe me and feel safe around me.

#9. They squeak happily as they wrap around you

There are many sounds that chinchillas use to communicate, including squeaks. In times of happiness, they might squeak happily around you, making a sound that sounds like a happy tune.

When we are together, Pixie and Trixie often squeak happily, especially when we feed them or play with them. It’s a clear sign that they love and are happy with me.

While these signs may be different for each chinchilla, you can learn to recognise them by watching how they act and getting to know their nature. This will help you bond more deeply with your furry friend.

How Do Chinchillas Show Affection?

Chinchillas show their love for their owners through special behaviors. If you understand these behaviors, you can get closer to your chinchilla. Let us look at how chinchillas show love:

#1. Smiling

A chinchilla can smile, yes! Chinchillas smile when they are happy and relaxed. It looks like a chinchilla is smiling when it partly closes its eyes.

#2. Wall surfing

The chinchillas run, jump, and bounce off the walls of their cage when they wall surf. When they’re happy and excited, they do this to show their love and joy.

#3. Pop Corning

In the behavior known as “pop corning,” chinchillas jump straight up in the air, often with a twitch or jerk at the top of the jump. When chinchillas are very happy and excited, they often act this way.

#4. Wagging the tail

When a male chinchilla is near a female chinchilla or smells one, it may wag its tail. The “swishy tail dance,” which is another name for this behavior, is a cute way for a cat to show love and attraction.

#5. Grabbing and Brushing

Nibbling and cleaning are ways for chinchillas to show they care. They do this by giving their cage mates and maybe even their owners a series of light nibbles, which is called grooming.

#6. Communicating by Nibbling

If a chinchilla needs something or wants to show love, it may nibble on its owner’s hand. In contrast to biting, this behavior is a calm way for them to show what they want and how they feel.

A Chinchilla can show love by nibbling its owner's hand

#7. Pushing the front paw

Anytime a chinchilla wants to play, eat, or is sick of being held, they may nibble on their owner’s hand and push against it with their front paws. This is how they talk to each other and show love.

#8. Swiggling the tail and spraying urine

Chinchillas can let out their smell gland, which is in their anus, when they are annoyed or angry. The smell is said to be like vitamins or nuts that have been burned. Chinchilla females may also spray pee when they are scared or angry. They often do this after standing on their hind legs and scooting around.

#9. Shaking the head or body

Chinchillas can show fear or pain by shaking their heads or whole bodies. It’s important to give them a calm and comforting place to be during these times to make them feel safe.

#10. Swiping the nose

If a chinchilla doesn’t like something, it can swipe its nose with one front paw while looking right at its owner. They are acting in a funny way that makes it clear what they mean.

If you know what to do when your chinchilla does these things, you can build a loving and trusted relationship with it. Since each chinchilla is different, you should take the time to learn about its likes and dislikes and how it shows love.

Signs Your Chinchilla Doesn’t Like You

Although chinchillas are generally affectionate animals, there may be times when they show signs of not liking you. It is essential to pay attention to these signs and address any underlying issues to ensure a healthy relationship with your chinchilla.

Some signs that your chinchilla may not like you include:

  • Avoiding your presence or hiding when you approach the cage
  • Barking or displaying aggressive behavior towards you
  • Resisting physical contact or struggling to get away when you try to handle them
  • Biting or nipping at you when you try to interact with them

If you notice any of these signs, it is crucial to assess the possible causes and take steps to build trust and improve your relationship with your chinchilla. 

Patiently work on bonding with your chinchilla and providing a safe and comfortable environment to help them feel more at ease with you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What specific behaviors have you noticed from your chinchillas that show they like you?

There are many things that Pixie and Trixie have done that make it clear that they love me. To get my attention, they do things like smile and surf the web to show they’re happy. They also clean me and like playing with me. Also, they trust me, lean against me, sleep close to me, and squeak happily when we’re together.

Can you provide any examples of when your chinchillas have shown signs of not liking you?

Many of the time, my chinchillas show affection, but there have been times when they have shown they didn’t like certain acts or situations. As an example, when they feel scared or attacked, they would hide or try to avoid me. Also, if they are scared or angry, they might bark, bite, or nip.

Can chinchillas recognize their owners?

Chinchillas remember things very well and can find their owners after a while. The sound, smell, and routine of their owner become familiar to them, which makes them feel safe and trusting. Chinchillas can tell the difference between their owners and other people, as shown by the fact that they respond differently to strangers than to their owners.

What should I do if my chinchilla doesn’t seem to like me?

Don’t give up if your chinchilla doesn’t warm up to you right away. It may take some time to get along with a chinchilla, especially if they’ve had bad experiences with people before. Keep your cool, give them lots of good things to do, and make sure they have a safe and calm place to relax.

Can chinchillas stop liking their owners?

Like any other pet, chinchillas can change their minds about things. If your chinchilla’s behavior towards you changes all of a sudden, you should try to figure out what might be causing it, like stress, illness, or changes in its surroundings. Talking to a vet can help you deal with any worries and make sure your chinchilla is healthy.


Understanding the signs your chinchilla likes you is crucial for building a deep and meaningful bond with these adorable creatures. By observing their behavior and responding appropriately, you can ensure their happiness and well-being. 

Remember, each chinchilla is unique, so take the time to understand their individual preferences and ways of showing affection. 

With patience, love, and ongoing care, you can create a harmonious relationship with your chinchilla that will bring joy to both of your lives.

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